As an introvert with a lot to say (I know, a contradiction), folks have described my presentations as passionate, invigorating, and thought provoking. I have given presentations to local community groups, physicians, state associations, therapists in community practice, and coaches. If you have a need for your community to be more educated on eating disorders, disordered eating, or mental health, let’s see if I can support you or point you in the direction of someone who can speak from their own lived and/or expert experience.
Popular Presentations
Do No Harm: Understanding Eating Disorders From a Weight Inclusive Lens
Factors that Shape Our Eating Patterns: Learning to Create a Healthy Relationship With Food and Yourself
Compassionate and Intuitive Strategies for Emotional Eating
Beyond “Mental Illness:” The Athletic Trainer’s Role in Supporting the Health and Well-being of Athletes with Eating Disorders